More Products of the category «Round / Wall Fountains»
Segment fountain limestone (2486)
Ø: 168 cm, height 22 cm, depth 10 cm
Ø: 66.14 in., height 8.66 in., depth 3.93 in.
oval limestone trough(2483)
110 x 60 cm, height 49 cm, depth 27 cm
43.30 in., height 19.29 in., depth 10.62 in.
Wall fountain grantie (2474)
137 x 62 cm, height 37 cm, depth 28 cm
53.93 x 24.40 in., height 14.56 in., depth 11.02 in.
Limestone trough (2394)
Ø: 103 cm, height 68 cm, depth 56 cm
Ø: 140.55 in. height 26.77 in., depth 22.04 in.
round limestone trough (2395)
Ø: 78 cm, height 46 cm, depth 32 cm
Ø: 30.70 in., height 418.11 in., depth 12.59 in.
round limestone fountain (2392)
Ø: 120 cm, height 72 cm, depth 51 cm
Ø: 47.24 in., height 28.34 in., depth 20.07 in.
Granite Press (2467)
Ø: 204 cm, height 40 cm, depth 26 cm
Ø: 80.31 in., height 15.74 in., depth 10.23 in.
Press limestone (2380)
Ø: 190 cm, height 40 cm
Ø: 74.80 in., height 15.74 in.
Wall fountain limestone (2480)
148 x 81 cm, height 58 cm, depth 47 cm
58.26 x 31.88 in., height 22.83 in., depth 18.50 in.
Fountain granite (2471)
Ø: 117 cm, height 71 cm, depth 59 cm
Ø: 46.06 in., height 27.95 in., depht 23.22 in.
Column: H 155 cm, Ø 25 cm / H 61.02 in., Ø: 9.84 in.
Small wall fountain granite (2466)
113 cm x 76 cm, height 60 cm, depth 50 cm
44.48 x 29.92 in., height 23.62 in., depth 19.68 in.
Wall fountain limestone (2484)
100 x 43 cm, height 58 cm, depth 33 cm
39.37 x 16.92 in., height 22.83 in., depth 12.99 in.
Limestone fountain (2391)
Ø: 89cm, height 72 cm, depth 51 cm
Ø: 35.03 in., height 17.32 in., depth 12.99 in.
Round limestone fountain (2348)
Ø: 150 cm, height 62 cm, depth 48 cm
Ø: 59.05 in., height 24.40 in., depth 18.89 in.
wall fountain limestone (2256)
200 x 87 cm, height 83 cm
78.74 x 34.25 in., height 32.67 in.
Round limestone trough (2406)
Ø: 104 cm, height 82 cm, depth: 63 cm
Ø: 40.94 in., height 32.28 in., depth 24.80 in.
wall fountain limestone (2485)
112 x 56 cm, height 66 cm, depth 18 cm
44.09 x 22.04 in., height 25.98 in., depth 7.08 in.
Font in sandstone (2259)
Ø: 64 cm, height 84 cm
Ø: 25.19 in., height 33.07 in.
Round drawing well (956)
well: 174 x 174 cm, height 91 cm
68.50 x 68.50 in., height 35.82in.
floor (underground): 216 x 217 cm, height 17 cm
85.03 x 85.43 in., height 6.69 in.
This fountain is a jewel whose shape texture is able to develop an extraordinary harmony.